Sonjas Abenteuer (Sonja's Adventures)

Sonjas Abenteuer

In December 2005 my first children's book "Sonjas Abenteuer"
(en: "Sonja's Adventures")
(40 pages, ISBN 3-936577-89-7) appeared in print. It was published by Kempen publishing company. The book can now be ordered via the publisher's website or Amazon.

Sonja the spider baby lives in a spider web in an old oak with her parents. Her favourite hobby is to paint, but all the littered up paper sheets and colour spots make Sonja's mom angry. Therefore Sonja decides to explore the world and escape her mother's reproaches that way, although she never left her home before.

On her journey the little spider meets various forest and meadow dwellers and they undertake many fascinating adventures together. Finally Sonja returns to her parents, who already were worried about their girl. She grabs at her paint brush to get all her adventures down on paper.

Young children of the age of three years and older will enjoy this book as well as the older ones, who are already learning to read. In addition to my picture-book there is a workbook full of interesting tasks created by Anja Geisemeyer and illustrated by me, aimed at children in the 1st and 2nd school year.
